Anthony Fauci Predicts A Fourth Wave Of COVID, And Right On Time, Here It Comes Again As Macron Leads Rival

Anthony Fauci Predicts A Fourth Wave Of COVID, And Right On Time, Here It Comes Again As Macron Leads Rival By  for Now The End Begins

Anthony Fauci successfully predicts fourth COVID wave as end times events continue to heat up here on Day 756 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, and did I mention we’re on the cusp of WWIII?

Anthony Fauci said “I think we’re going to be seeing an uptick of cases that we are already seeing in certain states. You know, we had a very sharp and steady decline in everything from cases to hospitalizations to deaths. And in general, on a countrywide basis, we’re still seeing that. But there are some areas, counties and regions, particularly in the northeast and here in Washington, D.C., where we are seeing a turnaround and an uptick in cases.” And like clockwork, it’s coming.

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB)

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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we’re talking about Predictive Programming, no, scratch that, we’re talking about the new COVID wave successfully predicted by Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates just days ago. In St. Johns County Florida where I live, we have had a 300% increase in new COVID cases over the last 7 days after 21 days with next to no new cases at all. Over in France, Emmanuel Macron is leading in his bid for re-election against Marine Le Pen, and will face her in a run-off on April 24th. In America, there is talk of blockchain replacing the dollar as the new currency standard, which will make it so much easier for the Mark of the Beast to keep tracking of all your buying and selling. The Israeli military says it has carried out more than 400 airstrikes in Syria and other parts of the Middle East since 2017 as part of a wide-ranging campaign targeting Iran and its allies, offering its fullest picture yet of its undeclared war with Tehran. Did I mentioned we’re on the cusp of WWIII? Our plate is full on the Prophecy News Podcast this Monday, don’t miss a minute of it!

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